iphone can still be so popular, everyone here has a responsibility

By  yanbeide  Sep 14, 2023, 2:23 a.m. ET

Heroes cannot create the situation.


The entire series has islands, 3nm, periscope lenses, USB-C, and even removed the ancestral paddle mute button. After the iPhone X, Cook once again squeezed out the toothpaste.
Rather than praying to Cook, the 'great inventor', it is better to expect domestic manufacturers to be 'far ahead', as market pressure is the driving force for product innovation. Successive generations of almost identical iPhones are boring, and this time the 15 series still only has a higher priced "super large cup" to be considered a miracle.
The Android camp next door in the arms race, apart from the foldable screen market that has opened up in recent years, has also been a so-called "subversion" of cameras, screens, and battery life.
It cannot be denied that the seemingly innovative Android manufacturer, in terms of popularity and sales, is still the iPhone that cannot afford the fancy stir fry. Looking at the entire smartphone industry, the reason why Apple can still lead the high-end market cannot be attributed to the lack of effort from its competitors.
IPhone does not have iPhone moment
ChatGPT has brought iPhone moments to many industries, except for the iPhone itself. The innovation points of the iPhone 15 series products are mainly focused on some details and experiences.
The Lingdong Island, which was only available on the Pro version in the previous generation, has become a complete feature of the entire series, representing Apple's recognition of this design and bringing the long-standing Liu Haiping into history.

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